Particle Cosmology and Gravitational Theories Group at Fukushima University

Master and Ph.D. courses

 There are Master and Ph.D. courses for cosmology, gravitation and astrophysics in Fukushima University. If you are interested in taking Master and/or Ph.D. degrees under the supervision of Kazuharu Bamba at Fukushima University, I am very pleased and I would like to give you a hearty welcome.
 If you need any financial support, I would like to suggest you to apply to ``JAPANESE GOVERNMENT (MEXT) SCHOLARSHIP FOR 2022'',
whose details are shown in the following URL.

For more information, could you please ask staff members of Fukushima University, whose contact addresses are as follows.

Phone: +81-24-503-3066
Fax: +81-24-503-3067
E-mail address: ryugaku @